Thursday, 23 February 2012

Company Logo

This is the logo that I made for my film company. I used DaFont for the main text and Photoshop to apply filters and the word 'productions'.
I used a font that resembled cuttings from a magazine as a lot of the time in thriller and horror films, if there is a kidnapper or a murderer, they will leave notes in magazine and newspaper cuttings so that whoever is hunting them cannot match their handwriting to anything. I also used a filter that made the background appear like parchment to give it a written effect.
I chose the title of 'iScream' as it is a play on words - it sounds like ice cream but really it is 'I scream' which fits in with the horror genre as the audience would normally 'scream' in horror.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment
View more documents from Sophie Arnison.

I created this risk assessment in order to outline any risks or possible accidents that may occur in the making of my opening sequence. This is useful because it allows me to review any dangers and help me to avoid them.

Treatment Sheet

Treatment sheet
View more documents from Sophie Arnison.

This is a treatment sheet to look at other films that inspired me and that also helped to define the horror/psychological/serial killer genre. It also allowed me to develop my ideas further by looking at other, similar films.

Call Sheet

Call Sheet
View more documents from Sophie Arnison

This call sheet allowed me to make somewhat of a list of all the things I would need for my film (props, costumes and equipment) as well as who would be playing which roles and which settings would be used.

Titles Timeline

I completed this title sequence timeline in order to see how an opening sequence is arranged in a film; particularly when and where titles are placed and also the pacing of the film combined with the titles.

Primary Research

Primary research
View more documents from Sophie Arnison.

This is research that I collected to enable myself to see what was preferred by four random people in terms of horror films.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Institution Research

Institution research
View more documents from Sophie Arnison.

I collected institution research in order to see how the horror movie genre compares with other genres in the film industry.

Statistics from:

Audience Research

Audience research
View more documents from Sophie Arnison.

I collected this research from the official BBFC guidelines website in order to help me to determine what rating should be given to my opening sequence. In this research, I discuss these guidelines and also discuss which rating I have chosen and why.

Audience Profile

Simon is a 17 year old boy, the last horror film he watched was The Thing. He enjoys drawing and blogging online about his cat. His favourite horror film is Se7en and his favourite sub-genre of horror film is psychological and thriller films.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Unborn - 9 frame

The Unborn 9 frame
View more presentations from Sophie Arnison

I chose to analyse The Unborn in this 9 frame because - like Silent Hill - it contains a lot of psychological elements, particularly when the girl is running alone.
This 9 frame basically discusses 9 shots from the film, discussing camera angles, mise en scene, sounds and editing and the effect that all of these things have on the movie itself and the audience.